Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Andy's Painted Name

Last night I finished painting the letters to hang above the crib in Andy's room; I did them to match his zoo bedding set.

A friend actually made this for his room, but I thought it was a cute idea to keep in mind as a project for later! :) It's a wooden frame with scrapbook paper and ready-made animals glued on top. She painted the inner and outer edges of the frame brown.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bow Holder

Kaylee's becoming quite the accessory queen...she has so many bows (and counting, as I've been making some for her lately). I saw various bow holders around and when I ordered a custom one that came in very shoddily made, I decided if you want something done right sometimes you have to do it yourself. So I made one for her and it turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself! I finished it last night and hung it this morning; good thing I put two ribbons on it, as one would have been completely filled already!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday

I found the little Mickey Mouse figures at the dollar store, and made Kaylee a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday cake for her 2nd birthday.